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Biodiversity net gain

Bringing the region’s woodlands into management

City of Trees is bringing woodlands and wider green spaces of Greater Manchester into active management through Biodiversity net gain (BNG) whilst delivering nature-based activities across all ten districts.

City of Trees is working with landowners to maximise opportunities to access funds through BNG.

Get in touch

If you would like to learn more about BNG, get in touch with one of our expert team.

What is our offer?

Our team at City of Trees can assist with any stage of the process:

  • Identifying sites for the creation of habitat banks
  • Carrying out survey works and condition assessments
  • Preparing 30 year costed habitat management and monitoring plans
  • Marketing habitat bank credits for sale
  • Delivering uplift, management and monitoring works
  • Creating opportunities to boost health and wellbeing and social value through community engagement
man tdoing heathland management at outwood park, work as part of biodiversity net gain

Understanding Biodiversity Net Gain

Bringing woodlands and green spaces in Greater Manchester into active management is at the core of what we do here at City of Trees. We see funds from BNG as a brilliant opportunity to achieve high quality habitats for nature recovery. We can help to carry out all preparatory work needed to bring these credits to market, as well as carrying out management and monitoring works upon the sale of units.

City of Trees will work to ensure that woodland habitat banks are beneficial both to biodiversity and communities. We will maximise the social benefit of BNG uplift by engaging the community in works through our Citizen Forester volunteer programme  and/or through Green Social Prescribing. We will incorporate our Green Jobs workstream, which aims to address the skills gap experienced in the environment sector whilst helping to diversify those getting into full-time employment and/or green jobs.

Explore the full guidance from Defra on BNG here.