Take action as a farmer
Plant trees on your land with our Farmer Resilience Fund
At City of Trees we recognise the challenges that farmers are facing today. In response to this, through the Trees for Climate Fund we have developed the City of Trees Farmer Resilience Fund (FRF).
The FRF aims to work with farmers to create woodlands on their land, offering financial security through the establishment phase, and longer term farm business improvements through sensitive woodland design which complements modern, sustainable farm practices.
What are the benefits?
In the longer term, the woodlands we create can offer shelter and forage for livestock, as well as firewood, timber, and other woodland products for use on the farm or for sale through the farm business.
- All farmers are eligible to apply providing they have the legal authority and are not otherwise committed to existing stewardship schemes.
- No minimum or maximum size requirements unless peat, archaeological or ecology surveys are required in which case minimum planting area required is 5 hectares
- The farmer receives a pre-agreed per hectare payment for ten years that is competitive with other woodland grant and stewardship payment rates
- The new woodlands are planned and designed in partnership with the farmer and all consultation and regulatory requirements are undertaken by City of Trees or its delivery partners
- No agreements are signed until all consents are in place and everybody is happy with the woodland design
- All planting, maintenance and management costs associated with the agreement are undertaken for the farmer
Frequently asked questions
All farmers within Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas are eligible to apply to this fund, however, if you are in an existing agri-environment scheme or you are already obliged to plant an area with trees through a pre-existing agreement, this land may not be eligible.
There are no minimum or maximum size requirements and all land types will be considered. It’s important to note that not all land is suitable for afforestation, this might be due to the existence of infrastructure such as powerlines, or because of existing biodiversity features such as species rich grassland or wading birds.
Deep peat and blanket bog areas are not suitable for afforestation. Please let us know if you think there may be any of these features on your land, we can often overcome any such conflicts through the woodland design process.